Monday, January 12, 2015

Travel: Córdoba, Spain.

Córdoba is a pulsating city, full of colour, and delicious. May is the perfect time to visit. Last summer, I went to Córdoba with the sweetest couple, Jessica and Leo, who has brought so much fun to our Spain trip. The city literally blossoms and smells like flowers in May, we could spend days winding through its streets and alleys, and under the sunshine, everyone just goes outside and enjoys a glass of sangria. Apart from its vividness, Córdoba is a city shaped by rich history and vibrant multiculturalism. The famous mosque, Mezquita, is an inspirational site for all people, no matter their faith. When it comes to Andalusia, Seville and Granda are cities people remember, yet Córdoba's tranquility has secretly become a favourite city of mine.


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