Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Travel: Nara, Japan

And of coz one cannot miss Nara when you travel to Kansai, the ancient capital city that dates back even before Kyoto. Nara is not a place to rush through otherwise you would miss the exceptional beauty in the details. The charming antiquated neighbourhood was missed by most tourists. As we wander through the old town of Nara, we ran into local art exhibitions, handmade jewellery shops, noodle houses, coffee shops, and we finally sat down at Kana Kana for lunch in the old Machiya district after queuing for half an hour (it totally worth the wait tho, their daily special was awesome!)
Needless to say, Nara deers were the highlight of our trip as we headed towards the famous Nara Park and Todaiji temple. They were just so adorable except for a few who were aggressive for food haha so beware, especially after you bough a whole bundle of deer crackers a herd of them  will surround you immediately.
Really you do not need a guide or a map, it was romantic to get lost in such a beautiful old town.
enjoy the photos everyone :)

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